Policies and procedures
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) policy
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is an EU law that came into effect on 25th May 2018 replacing the current Data Protection Act 1998. It will give individuals greater control over their own personal data. As an Early Years Educational Play Centre, it is necessary for us to collect personal information about the children who attend as well as staff and parents/carers.
Inside Out is registered with the Information Commissioner's Office, ICO, under registration reference: ZB500013 registered on 14/01/23 and is displayed on our information board (in our reception area).
GDPR condenses the Data Protection Principles into 8 areas, which are referred to as the Privacy Principles. These are:
You must have a lawful reason for collecting personal data and must do so in a fair and transparent way.
You must only use the data for the reason it is initially obtained.
You must not collect any more data than is necessary.
The data must be accurate and there must be mechanisms in place to keep it up to date.
You cannot keep it any longer than needed.
You must protect the personal data.
You must have appropriate measures against unauthorised or unlawful processing of personal data and against accidental loss or destruction/damage to personal Data.
Personal Data shall not be transferred to any outside agency or country within the EU that does not comply with the new General Data Protection Regulations.
The GDPR provides the following rights for individuals:
The right to be informed.
The right of access.
The right to rectification.
The right to erase.
The right to restrict processing.
The right to data portability.
The right to object.
Rights in relation to automated decision-making and profiling.
There are two main roles under the GDPR- The data controller and the data processor.
As an Early Years Play Centre, we are the data controller. The data is our data that we have collected about the children and their families. We have contracts with other companies to process data, which makes them the data processor. The two roles have some differences but the principles of GDPR apply to both. We have a responsibility to ensure that other companies we work with are also GDPR compliant.
Lawful basis for processing personal data
We must have a lawful basis for processing all personal data within our organisation and this is recorded on our Information audit for all the different information we collect.
The six reasons are as follows:
(a) Consent: the individual has given clear consent for you to process their personal data for a specific purpose.
(b) Contract: the processing is necessary for a contract you have with the individual, or because they have asked you to take specific steps before entering into a contract.
(c) Legal obligation: the processing is necessary for you to comply with the law (not including contractual obligations).
(d) Vital interests: the processing is necessary to protect someone’s life.
(e) Public task: the processing is necessary for you to perform a task in the public interest or for your official functions, and the task or function has a clear basis in law.
(f) Legitimate interests: the processing is necessary for your legitimate interests or the legitimate interests of a third party unless there is a good reason to protect the individual’s personal data which overrides those legitimate interests.
For the majority of data we collect, the lawful basis for doing so falls under the category of ‘legal obligation’ such as names, date of birth, and addresses as we are required to obtain this data as we work under aspects of the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage.
Some data we collect for example, photographs, requires parents to give consent for us to do so. Where this is the case, parents / carers will be required to sign a consent form to ‘opt in’ and are made aware that they have the right to withdraw their consent at any time.
Data retention:
We will hold information about individuals only for as long as the law says and no longer than necessary. After this, we will dispose of it securely. Please see a copy of the Retention periods for records.
We keep data about all individuals secure and aim to protect data against unauthorised change, damage, loss or theft. All data collected is only accessed by authorised individuals. All paper forms are kept locked away and all computers and tablets are password protected.
Privacy notices:
All parents and staff are provided with these privacy notices on induction which informs them of our procedures around how and why we collect data, information sharing, security, data retention, access to their records and our commitment to compliance with the GDPR act 2018.
Ensuring compliance:
The Owners and Managers responsible for ensuring that the setting is compliant are Danielle Louise and Neil Cunliffe Their main duties are:
Ensure that the provision is compliant with GDPR.
Audit all personal data held.
Ensure all staff are aware of their responsibilities under the law, this may include delivering staff training.
Undertake investigations when there is a breach of personal data and report to the Information Commissioner's Office, ICO.
Keep up to date with the legislation.
Legal framework:
The General Data Protection Regulation (2018)
Human Rights Act 1998
Policy written and created by Danielle Louise on 16/01/23
Health & Safety Policy
Inside Out is committed to ensuring that practices are carried out within the requirements of the Health and Safety Act 1974 and the management of Health and Safety at Work Act 1999.
Inside Out has a responsibility to provide a safe environment for your child. The Owners and Managers are responsible for health and safety matters concerning the premises of Inside Out. All staff are trained and aware of potential hazards within the facilities and surrounding environment and actively protects parents / carers and children from hazards and potential risk. All employees are paediatric first aid trained. All accidents and any incidents are recorded in the accident report book and on accident / incident forms located within the office. First aid kits are visibly labelled and located within the office , kitchen and sensory room.
Hygiene rules relating to bodily fluids are followed with particular care and all staff are aware of how infections can be transmitted. Staff must wear PPE when dealing with particular incidents in relation to bodily fluids.
Inside Out recognises that a systematic approach to health and safety, based on a systematic risk assessment procedure can minimise injury and ill health to staff, parents / carers and children.
Legal Framework:
We follow all relevant legislation and associated guidance relating to health and safety within the facilities which include the following;
The regulations of the Health and safety at work Act 1974 and any other relevant legislation such as Control of substances Hazardous to Health Regulation (COSHH)
Any guidance provided by the Public Health England, the local health protection agency, the local authority environmental health department, fire authority or the health and safety executive.
The health and safety law “What you need to know” poster is displayed in the office.
Policy Objectives:
Our objectives within this policy are to make the contents of this document intrinsic to our working practises on a day to day basis and we are committed to the following ;
Involve and motivate staff in all matters concerning Health & Safety.
To provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from our work activities.
To regularly review risks and check that control measures remain adequate.
To consult with all staff on all matters affecting their health and safety.
Develop and maintain a structure and culture that supports the concept of risk management
To provide and maintain safe resources and equipment.
To ensure safe handling - use and storage of any substances.
To provide the necessary instruction, training, information and supervision for all staff, to ensure competence
Achieve a high standard of occupational health, safety, welfare and hygiene.
Provide a healthy environment.
Eliminate hazardous situations
To prevent accidents/ ill health through risk assessment processes and to create a culture of thinking safely where staff regularly bring forward any observations and concerns.
To provide adequate funds to rectify any health and safety issues.
To review and revise this policy as necessary at regular intervals.
Necessary safety equipment is in place appropriate to the age of children
Display of wet floor signs must be used.
Appointed persons:
The Overall responsibility for health and safety is that of the Owners, Danielle Louise and Neil Cunliffe.
Day to day responsibility for ensuring this policy is put into practise is delegated to the Owners and Manager on shift.
Risk Assessments will be undertaken by all staff members and any findings of the risk assessments must be reported to Danielle Louise or Neil Cunliffe and or the Manager on shift.
Action required to remove/control risks will be approved by Danielle Louise or Neil Cunliffe or the Manager on shift.
The person responsible for ensuring the action required is implemented will be Danielle Louise or Neil Cunliffe.
The person who will check that the implemented actions have been removed/reduced the risks will be Danielle Louise or Neil Cunliffe and / or the Manager on shift.
Assessments will be reviewed quarterly or as soon as possible when relating to accidents and incidents occurred.
Information, instruction and supervision:
Health and safety advice is available from the Owners and Managers on shift.
Supervision of young workers, volunteers and students will be arranged, undertaken and monitored by the Owners and Managers
All employees, volunteers and students must adhere to the following;
Cooperate with supervisors and managers on health and safety matters
Not interfere with anything provided to safeguard their health and safety
Where reasonably practicable safeguard the safety and welfare of these persons who they are supervising
Take reasonable care of their own health and safety and detailed in this policy
Competency for task and training:
A thorough Induction process will take place when employees , volunteers and students start work. Training will be provided for all employees, volunteers and students by the Owners and or Managers and via on line training programs.Training records are monitored, kept up to date and located within the office and the owners and or manager will identify training needs and make arrangements to provide any further training.
Safeguarding Policy and Procedure
Inside Out is fully committed to ensuring all children are kept safe and well and that they are protected from abuse and harm. We take all necessary steps to ensure staff are well trained and understand their duties. We ensure that all staff including volunteers and students are suitable to work with children. Inside Out carries out a full induction process and all staff and understand that any concerns about a child’s safety or welfare must be acted upon without delay, following this policy and procedure. Inside Out will liaise with the relevant statutory agencies when necessary to ensure the safety and welfare of all children.
Our policies are designed in line with the guidance and procedures of Rossendale Safeguarding Board and the Government’s Statutory Guidance ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018’.
This policy will be reviewed every 12 Months and may be adapted when necessary due to new information being issued by Rosendale Safeguarding Children’s Board.
Each individual member of staff has a duty, and must share Inside Out’s commitment, to safeguard children and promote their welfare.
This duty includes a requirement to whistle-blow if they have any safeguarding concerns or witness or learn about anything that puts at child at risk (Whistle Blowing Policy).
Staff must attend training, supervisions and ensure they read and implement all policies and procedures.
All staff must be alert to possible signs of abuse and neglect and respond to any concerns they identify - usually this means reporting the matter to the Owners and Manager without delay. Staff must not rely on someone else to act.
Staff are also expected to disclose convictions, cautions, court orders, reprimands and warnings which may affect their suitability to work with children (whether received before or during their employment).
Danielle Louise is the Designated ‘Safeguarding Lead’ for Inside Out and under this role it is her duty to train and support the staff in understanding and to ensure all staff meet their responsibilities. Danielle Louise will liaise with parents, carers and outside agencies.
When the Owner is absent, Kirstie Morrissey will fulfil the Designated Safeguarding Lead role.
Danielle Louise is the designated officer with ultimate leadership responsibility for Safeguarding arrangements
Mobile Phones:
Inside out have a None Mobile phone policy in place which covers the use of mobile phones within the facilities.
Recruitment & Selection
Inside out implements consistent and thorough procedures for ‘Safer Recruitment’ to help ensure that all those recruited are suitable to work with children, please refer to our Staff recruitment policy.
On-going Supervision:
Staff for whom a DBS check is pending may be allowed to commence work in the facilities however they must always be supervised.
All staff complete a ‘staff suitability declaration.
A current list of enhanced criminals (DBS) checks is maintained and regularly reviewed. All staff must be registered on the DBS update service.
The Owners work within the facilities both who carry out all aspects of a level 3 practitioner's roles and duties described in the Roles and Responsibilities policy and procedure.
Regular staff supervisions and performance reviews are held at least once in every 6 months. This is an opportunity to enable staff to reflect on practice, identify training needs, consider on-going suitability and report any concerns. Staff must not wait for a supervisor to raise concerns and must report safeguarding concerns immediately.
We have procedures for recording the details of parents, carers, employees, volunteers, students and visitors who must sign in all in which follow GDPR and Confidentiality policies and procedures.
CCTV is present to allow monitoring for security Internal processes. Please see Inside Outs CCTV Policy & Procedure.
Accident and Incident forms are recorded on relevant documents and reviewed in line with Inside Outs Health & Safety policy and procedure
Responding to Suspicions of Abuse:
Inside Out acknowledges that abuse of children can take different forms; physical, emotional, and sexual, as well as neglect and understand that abuse can take place anywhere and involve a child or individuals from any family, background or culture, irrespective of whether they appear disadvantaged or not.
Although research has indicated that if children are living in a household in which the Toxic Trio is present this can increase their vulnerability to being abused or neglected.
The toxic trio relates to children living in a home where:
Domestic violence is present
One or more adults in the home are suffering with mental health issues
One or more adults in the home are abusing alcohol or drugs.
If Inside Out are aware of a child living in such circumstances, we will always contact the Children's Safeguarding Board.
We consider the following as possible signs of abuse or neglect however, this list is not exhaustive;
Significant changes in children’s behaviour.
Deterioration in children’s general well-being or appearance.
Unexplained bruising or marks (including scratches, bite-marks or burns).
Children’s comments or behaviour which give cause for concern (including disclosure, inappropriate role-play or language).
Inappropriate behaviour displayed by other members of staff, for example sexual comments, excessive one-to-one attention beyond the requirements of their role and responsibilities or inappropriate sharing of images (see below Allegations against staff). Where such evidence is apparent, the Owners and or Manager or appropriate staff member will complete an Incident form in permanent ink which is a dated and signed record of the details of the concern. This is shared and discussed promptly, without delay, with the Owners and or Manager.
The Owners and or Manager decides what response is appropriate without delay and may seek advice from the Rosendale Safeguarding Board. A clear record must be kept of any decision making.
Records of incidents are stored in the child’s personal chronology file.
If we have concerns about a child’s safety, we notify the Local Authority Children’s Social Services department, without delay (see contact information below).
In an emergency, when a child is deemed to be in imminent danger, we
police by calling 999.
Recording suspicions of abuse and disclosure:
When a child makes comments to a member of staff that gives cause for concern (disclosure), that member of staff must;
Stay calm
Listen carefully to the child
Do not promise to keep secrets. Find an appropriate, early opportunity to explain that it is likely that the information will need to be shared with others
Allow the child to continue at his or her own pace
Ask questions for clarification ONLY and always DO NOT ask questions that suggest an answer
Offer reassurance and give assurance that action will be taken
Record in writing as soon as possible, using the child’s own words, note the date, time and names mentioned, to whom the information was given and ensure that all records are signed and dated.
Note the names of any other person present (witnesses) at the time.
Inform the Designated Safeguarding Lead as soon as possible.
The Designated Safeguarding Lead will make a decision regarding what should happen next and whether a referral to the Local Authorities Safeguarding Children's Board should be made.These records are signed and dated and kept in the child’s personal chronology file which is kept securely and confidential. Parents will be Informed and supported.
When appropriate, concerns are discussed with a parent or carer who is normally the first point of contact. The safeguarding leads will assess whether it is ‘appropriate’ to speak to the parent about concerns (e.g. whether doing so is necessary to safeguard the child from any potential harm).
Parents are asked to sign an incident form which records any concerns or incidents.
If a concern or suspicion of abuse is recorded a referral will be made, parents and carers are informed.
Inside Out may decide NOT to inform the parents, in accordance with the guidance of the Local Safeguarding Children Board, if it is considered that informing the parent may potentially put the child at further risk. In these cases, it is the decision of the social services team as to whether or when parents are informed.
If there are significant concerns that a child may be at risk from radicalisation by their parents, we will make a referral under our Prevent Duty and parents will not be told unless the Local Safeguarding Children's Board agree that they should be.
Inside Out provides ongoing support to parents and carers involved in any investigation, as appropriate
Confidentiality and information sharing:
All suspicions and investigations are kept confidential and shared only with those who need to know. Any information is shared under the guidance of the Local Safeguarding Children Board. Parents and staff involved in any investigation MUST ensure confidentiality
Prevent Duty:
As stated in the Counter Terrorism and Security Act, providers have to have ‘due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism’. Early years providers now have a duty to have control measures in place reacting to this Act. Although Inside Out is not a care provider we will adhere to this act to keep children safe and protected.
The Owners and or Manager will call 101 should we have any concerns about families leaving the country.
Liaising with outside agencies:
Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and under Ofsted requirements you must be familiar with the following referral routes and how to make a referral to the Local Authorities Safeguarding Board. (Inside Out will be listed on the voluntary Ofsted Register and supports the early year requirements).
The following information has been issued by Rossendale Education Safeguarding Team and should be used in conjunction with the guidance notes attached to this policy.
Contact information:
Ofsted 03001231231
Police (emergency) 999
Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO)
Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm
The LADO Service manages allegations against individuals who work or volunteer with children in Rosendale.
If you have a concern regarding someone who works with children, please contact the LADO Andrew Zachariades 02079264579 or 007720828700
Email: lado@lambeths.gcsx.gov.uk
Children’s Social care (CSC) manages allegations against parents, carers, family, any others not in relation to individuals who work for or volunteer with children in Rosendale.
Concerns raised against parents, carers ,families any others not in relation to individuals who work or volunteer with children will be reported to
Children’s Social Care (CSC) 03001236720 or 01706221211
Inside Out shares information and cooperates fully with any investigation and will attend any multi-agency meetings arranged by the Local Safeguarding Children’s Board.
Allegations against staff
Inside Out ensures that all parents /carers and staff know how to complain about the behaviour or actions of staff, students or volunteers, parents and carers within the facilities, which may include an allegation of abuse. We follow the guidance of the Local Safeguarding Children Board when responding to any complaint made.
We respond to any disclosure by children or staff that abuse by a member of staff or volunteer within the facilities may have taken, or is taking place, by first recording the details of any such alleged incident. (see below)
If an allegation or concern arises about a member of staff outside of their work with children which may present a risk of harm to child/ren for whom the member of staff is responsible, or affect their suitability to work with children or be around children, this must also be reported to LADO.
Any staff member(s) who is subject to a serious allegation is immediately suspended from their duties working. This is a neutral act to minimise any possible risk of abuse or harm. It is not a judgement or an indication of admission that any alleged incident has taken place but is to ensure any subsequent investigation is not compromised.
We do not investigate allegations against staff ourselves, however we will carry out the following;
Obtain written details of the concern/allegation, signed and dated by the person receiving it.
Approve and date the written details.
Record any information about times, dates and location of incident/s and names of any potential witnesses.
Record discussions about the child, any decisions made and the reasons for those decisions.
If appropriate (advice from LADO team may be required) we may ask any staff involved to provide a written account about what happened, this must be in the staff’s own words and must be signed and dated by them, this should not be an investigation however, it may be necessary to conduct some initial enquiries in order to clarify information to determine the action required in relation to suspending staff.
Whilst this may include asking staff to provide a written account they must not be questioned in any way and they must not be allowed to collaborate before writing their individual accounts.
Staff must not be led in any way to give a specific response.
We notify the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) Team within one working day or 4 hours if the matter is urgent and we will notify Ofsted as soon as possible of any serious allegations in relation to staff.
We co-operate entirely with any investigation - this is typically coordinated by the LADO Team and includes representatives from the police, social services and Inside Out.
Whilst suspended, staff are allocated a ‘support contact’ who keeps in touch with them, typically on a weekly basis, to provide a listening ear during the process. Staff also have access to a confidential helpline that can provide counselling.
Where a member of staff or a volunteer is dismissed from Inside out because of misconduct relating to a child, we notify the DBS so that the name may be included on the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults Barred List.
Inside Out seek out training opportunities for all adults involved in Inside Out to ensure that they are able to identify and understand the signs and signals of possible physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse and neglect and that they know how to respond appropriately, confidentially and without delay.
Support to families
Inside Out believes in building trusting and supportive relationships with parents, carers and families and we inform them of our role and responsibilities in relation to safeguarding, reporting of concerns, providing information, monitoring of children and liaising always with the local children’s social care team.
We will continue to welcome children, parents / carers and the families whilst investigations are being made in relation to any alleged abuse.
If you feel you need any further support or clarification on safeguarding, please speak to the Owners and or Manager, who will help you with this and can advise some training for you.
Guidance notes:
If you are worried a child is being abused or neglected in any way, please report directly to your designated safeguarding lead.
Safeguarding Information
Contact information:
Inside Out designated safeguarding Lead: Danielle Louise 07803495243
Ofsted 03001231231
Police (emergency) 999
Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO)
Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm
The LADO Service manages allegations against individuals who work or volunteer with children in Rosendale.
If you have a concern regarding someone who works with children, please contact the LADO Andrew Zachariades 02079264579 or 007720828700
Email: lado@lambeths.gcsx.gov.uk
Children’s Social care (CSC) manages allegations against parents, carers, family, any others not in relation to individuals who work for or volunteer with children in Rossendale.
Concerns raised against parents, carers ,families any others not in relation to individuals who work or volunteer with children will be reported to
Children’s Social Care (CSC) 03001236720 or 01706221211
Inside Out shares information and cooperates fully with any investigation and will attend any multi-agency meetings arranged by the Local Safeguarding Children’s Board.
Use of Mobile Phones, Smart Watches & Camera’s Policy
It is our intention to provide an environment in which children, parents/carers and staff are safe from images being recorded and inappropriately used. We value the importance of quality interactions between parents and carers and their children and recognise the distractions that mobile phones and tablets can bring. We therefore operate a no mobile, smart watch and tablet policy and in order to use any of these,must do so outside the premises.
Opportunity to have photographs taken
Inside Out understands that parents and carers like to capture special moments with their children and therefore we operate a system whereby an allocated employee will take photos throughout the session of your child, using Inside Out’s iPad (if you grant permission on registration). The allocated employee will then print or email parents any photographs which will be given to parents at the end of the session. All photographs will be deleted with immediate effect unless parents have given permission for Inside Out to use them for our facebook and website and or any marketing purposes. Please see our GDPR policy for how we store and handle data.
Mobile Phones
Inside out allows staff to bring in personal mobile phones for their own use.
Employees who bring in personal mobile telephones into Inside Out must ensure there is no inappropriate or illegal content on the device. Ipads and smart watches are not allowed on the premises.
All employees, students and volunteers must ensure that their mobile phones are left inside the office in their individual tray throughout the day. This is with the exception of lunch or breaks times, where children and parents/carers are not present. If a staff member has a personal emergency, they are free to use Inside Out’s phone or make a personal call from their mobile in the office however, they must notify the owners or a manager.
If a member of staff is waiting for an emergency personal call, their phone may be left available in the office with the permission of the owners or managers, who with consent will answer the call and then notify the member of staff.
Staff will need to ensure that the Office has up to date contact information and that employees make their families, children’s schools etc, aware of their emergency/work telephone numbers. This is the responsibility of the individual employee.
Inside Out holds no responsibility for any damage or loss of mobile phones.
Cancellation Policy
'Inside Out' understand that sometimes things come up and you may need to cancel your session. We ask that you contact us to let us know if you are not able to make your session so we can open up the space for another little one! Any session admissions that are due to be paid on arrival will no longer need to be paid upon cancellation. Any session admissions or special events that are pre-paid online or over the phone will not be refunded upon cancellation and any refunds that may be issued will be upon managers discretion only.
Behaviour Management Policy
‘Inside Out’ has high standards of how behaviour is presented within the facilities and all employees, volunteers, students, families, and children should adhere to this policy and the procedures set within it. ‘Inside Out’ believes that all children, parents/carers, and staff have a right to feel valued and respected, to learn, and to be safe.
Employees, Volunteers, Students, Parents/Carers:
‘Inside Out’ does not tolerate behaviour that can be deemed as threatening and/or abusive to employees, volunteers, students, families, and children. Any concerns should be raised following our compliments and complaints policy. Actions will be taken against any persons demonstrating such behaviours and they may be prosecuted.
Employees, volunteers, and students must not present themselves out of working hours in any way that would negatively represent the company. Disciplinary action will be taken for any behaviours outside of the facilities and out of working hours that would jeopardise the reputation of the company and may lead to dismissal. ‘Inside Out’ holds no responsibility regarding the behaviour of staff when out of the facilities and out of working hours however, we do follow the DBS protocols and check employees, volunteers and students suitability to work with children every month, when registered on the updated DBS service.
We aim to present a consistent approach to behaviour management regarding the development of children and endeavour to support families and children to manage challenging behaviours stated within this policy. ‘Inside Out’ understands that behaviour is a developmental process and that children need to be able to understand and regulate their feelings and emotions to be able to socially interact and respond appropriately to others. Children need to learn to consider the views and feelings, and needs and rights of others and, the impact that their behaviour has on themselves, others, places, and objects. This is a developmental task that requires support, encouragement, teaching, and by observation of good role models.
‘Inside Out’ understands that parents/carers have different parenting styles and use different techniques to manage challenging behaviours. We aim to provide a system that is consistent with nursery providers and schools and encourage parents/carers to take the same approach at home. Consistency between different environments enables children to understand boundaries and behave appropriately and recognise a united front, enabling children to have opportunities to manage and regulate their feelings and emotions more effectively. ‘Inside Out’ believes that children flourish when their personal, social, and emotional needs are met and where there are clear and developmentally appropriate expectations for their behaviour therefore, we have ‘Rules of Play’ and operate a ‘Golden Rules System’. We expect our staff members to promote these rules consistently throughout the sessions we provide and encourage parents to use them within their home environment. We offer behaviour management, and teaching and learning sessions for parents to help manage challenging behaviour. We have behaviour packs that contain props and resources that will help support parents within the home environment.
‘Inside Out’ understands that children can find it hard to transition to different parts of the day particularly when play must come to an end. Therefore we ensure to give parents/carers, families, and children a 5 minute warning before tidying up time in order to prepare the children for what is going to happen next. After children have tidied up, put their shoes on and are ready to leave, ‘Inside Out’ will operate a system whereby children can offer and express their feelings about the session they have attended by posting pictured cards/objects with expressions, into containers. This will be set up near the reception area. The aim of this is to encourage children to leave without getting upset and enable us to evaluate the sessions we have provided. Parents/carers and families can also join in.
Social Media Policy & procedure
Employees, Volunteers, Students:
Inside Out expects all employees, volunteers, and students to ensure that they maintain confidentiality when using social media and networking sites in order to protect themselves, the reputation of the company and for the safety of our parents/carers children, and families. This policy operates in line with Inside outs confidentiality and performance policy. Employees, volunteers, and students must abide by the procedure while working at ‘Inside Out Early Years Children’s Educational Play’. Employees, volunteers and students may face disciplinary action and/or even dismissal if they do not adhere to this policy.
All staff must be mindful that everything you post online is public, even with the strictest privacy settings. You must assume that everything is permanent & may be shared.
Staff must not write direct or indirect suggestive comments about work on their online profiles.
Staff must not publish photos of other staff or themselves whilst in the facilities and or whilst wearing Inside Outs uniform.
Staff must not write anything about other staff members on their online profiles that relates them to working for ‘Inside Out’.
Staff must not mention any of the companies that ‘Inside Out’ works with.
In order to maintain professional boundaries, staff should not accept personal invitations to be friends from parents/carers and families of ‘Inside Out’ unless they know them in a personal capacity.
Be cautious & mindful when accepting friend requests from colleagues.
Staff members are advised to set their online profiles to private so that only friends are able to see their information.
Personal profiles should not contain any images or videos which may be perceived as inappropriate behaviour for a childcare professional.
The ‘Inside Out’s’ logo must not be used on social media apart from the official Facebook & Instagram pages, website page and any other page ‘Inside Out’ sets up in the future.
Staff must not put the settings or contact details on social media. Parents/carers and families should be signposted to ‘Inside Out’s’ web page for further information.
Staff will not have the Company name ‘Inside Out’ anywhere in their personal profile.
Staff must use social media in a professional, safe, responsible, & respectful way, ensuring they agree to the terms and conditions of the media platform and the law.
Staff must not use social media to attack, insult, abuse, defame or make negative or discriminatory comments about anyone.
Parents/Carers, Families and Children:
Inside Out expects all parents/carers, families, and children to ensure and maintain confidentiality of others when using social media and social networking sites, in order to protect themselves and others. This policy is in line with ‘Inside Out’s’ Mobile Phone, Tablets and Smart Watches Policy, and Confidentiality Policy.
Some parents/carers sometimes share information about themselves with other parents/carers as well as staff. Inside Out cannot be responsible if information is shared beyond those parents/carers whom the person has ‘confided’ in regarding information shared within the facilities as well as outside of the facilities and on social media platforms.
Inside Out will not accept any statements that are to be slanderous to the company. Parents/carers and families are advised to follow our compliments and complaints procedure if they wish to raise any concerns. Inside Out may take legal action if any statements are seen to be slanderous of the company and/or there are any comments with malicious intent or the intention to cause chaos, relating to staff members in relation to working within the company.
Facebook & Instagram:
Inside Out has a ‘Facebook’ page and an ‘Instagram’ page available. These are communication tools to promote the company in the following way;
Promote our facilities, sessions, trips, and social events
Update parent /carers on staff training & development
Give advice and reminders for activities & sessions
To show photographs of our sessions and families and children (of those who have consented)
To allow parents/carers and families to book sessions
Inside Out’s Owners are the social page’s administrators and will update the page’s on a regular basis. The page administrators reserve the right to remove any comments at any time. The intent of the policy is to protect the privacy and rights of Inside Out staff, parents/carers, families and children.
We will remove any comments or re-posted posts that….
Name specific individuals in a negative way
Are abusive or contain inappropriate language or statements
Use defamatory, abusive, or generally negative terms about any individual
Do not show consideration for others privacy
Breach copyright or fair use laws
Contain any photos of children without necessary parental consent.
If you would like to report an inappropriate comment then please send an email to Insideoutrawtenstall@outlook.com