What to expect when you visit us & what you need to know...

On arrival, parents and carers must sign themselves and their child in.
Children will have individual name pegs within the reception area, where they will be encouraged to find their name and take off their coat and shoes.
Our snack shack will be open 10 minutes after each session has started if customers would like any refreshments.
Our tidy up song will be played 5 minutes before the end of each session. Inside Out does not expect parents to tidy up. Our intentions are to prepare children that they will be leaving shortly and to finish their activities.

Our facilities ​are designed to maximize the space for children's exploration, learning, and development therefore, we have limited spaces for prams to be stored. We kindly ask all of our customers who are able to travel by car to keep their prams inside their vehicle's to allow us to have room for the prams of customers who may be walking to us, or customers who rely on public transport. Thank You.