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Big Chef, Little Chef 

"Big chef, Little chef" sessions are intended to promote healthy lifestyles, independence, and fine motor skills. Children will be able to have fun 'cooking' and making yummy snacks which they can enjoy in our snack shack or take home and enjoy later! 


Session details

Sessions are for children from the ages of 2-8 years.

This session includes 30 minutes of adult-led creating, 'cooking', and 'baking' activities and 60 minutes of child-led exploration of our facilities.

Sessions will be adapted each week where children will have the opportunity to create, 'cook', and 'bake' different snacks and yummy treats. 


Please insure you check our baking timetable upon booking your sessions, as our "Big Chef, Little Chef" session is to be booked as a block booking only.  Our baking timetable will enable parents/carers to  see  what we intend to make and what ingredients will be used. Please keep us up to date with your children's allergy information. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us, or ask a member of staff when you visit our premises. 

Thank You :) 

 What this supports:

  • Physical development

  • Speech and language

  • Personal, social and emotional development

  • Literacy 

  • Mathematics

  • Understanding the world

  • Expressive art and design

  • Sensory processing

  • Montessori approach

  • Healthy lifestyles

  • Risky play

Positive impacts:

  • Develops fine motor skills

  • Prepares them for writing

  • Helps children to focus and concentrate

  • Helps with listening and attention skills

  • Helps children follow instruction

  • Promotes independence

  • Supports problem solving

  • Encourages eating

  • Helps children to express themselves and be creative

  • Helps children to recognise danger

£54 block booking x4 sessions 

(If you have another child/children under the age of 2, payment for them will not be required as they will not  be able to take part in the session) (:

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