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Terms and Conditions

In order to keep all persons safe and covered, you MUST complete a registration form, read and sign the ‘Rules of Play’ and          complete the risk acknowledgement and waiver form before entering the facilities at ‘Inside Out Early Years  Children's Educational Play’.​

I understand that this is a legal binding document and hereby acknowledge and agree to the following:


  1. I am over the age of 18 and a responsible adult.

  2. I am the Parent/ Legal Guardian of the child/ren attending listed below and/or have obtained permission from the Parent/ Legal Guardian of the participants undersigned to execute this agreement on their behalf and agree to attend to and monitor the activities of all participants undersigned such that all activities are age and ability appropriate.

  3. In consideration of participating in activities at ‘Inside Out’, I represent that I understand the nature of such activities and that my child is qualified, in good health and in proper physical condition to participate. I acknowledge that if I believe that conditions unsafe, I will immediately discontinue participation of my child/ren in the activity and notify employees of ‘Inside Out’. Additionally, I agree that all undersigned and I, shall use all play equipment and resources appropriately, adhering to all the ‘Rules of Play’, as well as size and weight limitation’s. In accordance I will thereby follow advice that I receive along with any oral instructions given to me prior to or during the session. Furthermore, I understand and agree that I will be solely responsible for any and all costs to repair or replace any damage to the facility and/or the equipment and resources therein by the undersigned and myself outside of normal wear and tear.

  4. I understand that 'Inside Out' specialises in early years education and therefore, implement a number of theoretical approaches such as ‘Risky Play’, ‘Loose Parts Play’,Montessori’ and the ‘Curiosity Approach’. I also acknowledge that such risks cannot be eliminated entirely through risk assessments without jeopardising the essential qualities of the activities. I for myself, and the participant/s undersigned, acknowledge and understand that there are dangers and risk associated with the activities and play frame including the trampoline at ‘Inside Out’, including choking risks and trip hazards. I agree to assume all risk of potential injury, including the potential for paralysis and death, and I, on behalf of myself and the participant/s undersigned, knowingly and freely assume all such risks, both known and unknown, including those that may arise out of negligence or other participant/s.

  5. I hereby release, discharge, and agree not to sue ‘Inside Out’, its respective administrators, directors, agents, officers, volunteers, employees, sponsors, advertisers, and if any applicable owners and lessors of the premises on which activity takes place (each considered) “releases” herein from all liability, claims demands, losses or damages.

  6. This risk acknowledgement and waiver extends to all acts of negligence by ‘Inside Out’ and is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the law, and if any portion of this agreement is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall, not withstanding, continue in full legal force and affect.

  7. Any undersigned participant/s in the activities is doing so voluntary and I am acting under my own free will.

  8. I am aware of the risks imposed by infectious diseases, including covid 19, and I am aware of current government guidelines.

  9. I consent for myself and the undersigned participant/s to receive treatment that may be deemed advisable in the event of injury, accident and/or illness as a result of myself and/or undersigned participants in the activities.

  10. I understand that I am responsible for myself and the undersigned participant/s belongings and ‘Inside Out’ holds no responsibility of damage or loss including clothing.

Rules of Play


For the safety and comfort of all our customers in our fun filled environment, we ask all visitors to adhere to our simple Rules of Play.


  • Inside out facilities are for children age 0 - 7 years.

  • If you or your child are unwell, please save your play for another day and get well soon.

  • Parents and carers must arrive and depart on time to allow for sanitation between sessions. All play sessions are 90 minute sessions, some of which are 30 minute adult led and 1 hour of child led play.

  • Children must remove their shoes and wear socks before entering the play areas. Socks can be purchased at reception for £1.00

  • It is advisable for children to wear long sleeve tops that can be tucked in as well as pants or tights to minimise the risk of friction burns. Please ensure your child is wearing clothing that is also suitable for our messy play room.

  • Children must remove jewellery and any other sharp objects such as badges on arrival.

  • Inside Out specialises in early years education and therefore, we implement a number of theoretical approaches such as ‘Loose Parts Play’, ‘Montessori’ and the ‘Curiosity Approach’. Parents and carers are responsible for assessing the suitability of the equipment and resources provided for the children in their care and the ability of those children to use it.

  • Although the play facilities are monitored by qualified staff, parents / carers MUST be with their child(ren) at all times to supervise them whilst they engage in play.

  • Parents and carers are responsible for the behavior of children within their care, and they should explain the ‘Rules of Play’ to children and ensure they follow them. We operate a ‘Golden Rules’ system to support parents with managing behavior. Please report any behavior concerns to a member of staff.

  • Parents and carers must adhere to the instructions on signs or given verbally by members of staff. We want you to have fun learning and playing safely!

  • Only food purchased from Inside out may be consumed (with the exception of baby food) on the premises and in the designated eating area.

  • Parents are not permitted to leave their child in the play areas whilst they are within the designated eating area.

  • Please inform staff if you or your child have any allergies.

  • The use of the play frame is limited to 6 children at one time.

  • Adults are not permitted to play on the play frame.

  • No toys are to be taken into the play frame.

  • Children must not climb or pull the netting on the play frame.

  • Mobile phones and electrical devices are not permitted to be used within the facilities and can only be used in case of an emergency and or when written permission has been given. This excludes particular sessions.

  • Parents and carers should note that whilst every consideration has been given to the safety of children using the facilities and the play frame, Inside Out cannot be held responsible for accidents that occur as a result of children playing with resources within the facilities including the play frame. Please report any accident, injury, or spillage to a member of staff.

  • For the safety and security of all our visitors, we have CCTV in operation at all times. Please refer to our CCTV policy for more information.

  • Inside Out operates a non-smoking policy.

  • Parents and carers must accompany children to the toilet. Nappies must not be changed in any other areas of the facilities other than the dedicated baby changing station. Please dispose of any nappies in the correct bins.

  • Inside Out hold no responsibility for loss or damage of your belongings or valuables.

  • Parents/carers are responsible for ensuring to inform a member of staff before ordering any food or drink in our snack shack, if anybody has any allergies.


For the safety of all our customers, management reserve the right to refuse entry or ask a family to leave for not following the rules of play above.

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